The ‘Golden Tower’ is the highest recognition awarded by the Chess team to its members. The orange throwers who receive this honor form the ‘Council of Golden Towers’ and become permanent members of the Board.

The ‘Golden Tower’ is granted by the ‘Council of Golden Towers’ for exceptional merits, not based on seniority. It is a recognition of outstanding behavior and commitment that has led to significant results for the entire team, in terms of organization, management, and promotion of the team’s image.

However, it cannot be awarded to:

  • Those who have not already received the Silver Tower.
  • Those who are not enrolled in the year of the potential candidacy for the award.

It can be awarded to one or more throwers at a time, and it is not mandatory to award the Tower every year.


It’s Carnival Sunday. The big moment has arrived! It’s almost 2 PM, and it’s time to go: from the headquarters on Via 4 Martiri, the flagbearer emerges, leading the Chess team in the parade toward Piazza Ottinetti for the first day of the battle.

In the square, a sea of chess patterns already fills our part of the ‘battlefield.’ The painting on the cubes is no longer visible, covered by many amphibious suits waiting for the moment to become active.

But today is not just the first day of an event many eagerly anticipate: on Carnival Sunday, the Chess team awards the prize for their most senior shooters – the Silver Tower. This is the award the team confers upon individuals who demonstrate their dedication to our beautiful colors by engaging in battle with us for eight years, even if not consecutively.

During the eighth year of shooting on Carnival Sunday, those who have earned this recognition are called into the square, in the presence of the team and the audience gathered to witness the battle. The coveted Silver Tower is then virtually handed to them amidst applause from their comrades and, for years now, accompanied by the sound of the trumpets and drums of Cuorgnè, the soundtrack of the Chess.

The ‘physical’ presentation of the award then takes place at the closing Carnival dinner because not everyone in the audience has someone securing the precious prize! Meeting again at the dinner to get to know each other better, see friends again, and have fun together is truly enjoyable.

The Chess team values their ‘seniors.’ An experienced shooter undoubtedly elevates the throwing performance of the entire team. It’s heartwarming to see young players bonding with those same individuals who, although a bit less young now, have made the Chess the largest, friendliest, and most choreographic team in the entire carnival.


At the end of Carnival 2003, the Grand Council of the Golden Towers of the Chess decided to reward those shooters who, with their cheerfulness, lift the spirits and with their arms make it tremble!…

Thus was established the ‘CHECKMATE,’ a special recognition that will be awarded every year to the orange throwers who demonstrate particular combativeness in the square… where actions speak louder than words!

Here are the names of these boys who have distinguished themselves so much… and do so much damage…